
What is the Role of NPK in Plants?

  Plants need specific nutrients for their growth. Otherwise, they fail to grow and reproduce naturally. The top three nutrients needed for plant growth are NPK, which means nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. iffco dap bag is one of the common nano fertilizers used to address the deficiencies of nitrogen and phosphorus in crops. The IFFCO Nano Diammonium Phosphate fertilizer is the first choice of many farmers who own farmlands of cauliflowers, corn, peas, etc. Mentioned below is a brief understanding of the important role of nitrogen phosphorus and potassium in the growth of plants: Nitrogen It is a major component of chlorophyll, which plants use sunlight energy to produce food from water and carbon dioxide. The process is known as photosynthesis. Nitrogen is the main component of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins without which plants wither and die. Nitrogen is a key component of an energy transfer compound called adenosine triphosphate, which allows cells...

A Beginner's Guide to Fertilisers

  Fertilizers are active soil amendments that supply plants with the required nutrients to boost their health and growth. Based on their composition, fertilizers can be organic or inorganic fixes that can promote soil health, introduce microbial activity in the soil, and essentially improve the environment of the plant so that it can thrive . Basic Components Fertilizers are composed of one or more elements that can be found naturally existing or can be curated chemically with the help of science.  Plants essentially require at least 16 micro and micronutrients, including carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, Sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Many of these elements are naturally present in our environment and others can be amended through alfalfa meal, bone meal, manure, coffee grounds, cow dung, compost, green manure, kitchen waste and other organic materials.  For most modern agricultural practices, most fertilizers contain three basic elements that p...

How to Embrace Sustainable Agriculture With IFFCO Urea Fertilizer?

  Sustainable agriculture aims to meet current and future societal needs for food while protecting the environment. As one of the world's largest producers of fertilizers, IFFCO BAZAR plays a key role through its urea fertilizer . By understanding and properly applying urea fertilizer, farmers can sustainably boost yields and nutrition. Proper Application Rates and Timing Determining the optimal application rate and timing for urea fertilizer is crucial to promoting healthy plant growth while avoiding waste through over-fertilization. First, consult regional crop guidelines and perform soil testing to accurately gauge nutrient needs specific to your soil and cropping system. With this data, calculate fertilizer rates that will supplement existing soil nitrogen levels to reach sufficiency without providing excess. Time the initial application just before or at planting to support early crop development. Then, consider side-dressing with additional urea once rapid vegetative growth...

Why Liquid Nano Urea is the Preferred Choice for Farmers?

  In the dynamic landscape of modern agriculture, iffco nano urea liquid stands out as a revolutionary alternative to conventional solid urea. Let’s explore the key advantages that make Liquid Nano Urea a game-changer for farmers seeking efficiency, sustainability, and economic viability. Enhanced Nutrient Efficiency Liquid Nano urea boasts Nano-sized particles that facilitate superior absorption by plants. This heightened efficiency ensures a more significant portion of the nitrogen content reaches the crops to optimize resource utilization and minimize nitrogen losses to the environment. Sustainable Agriculture Addressing environmental concerns, Liquid Nano urea contributes to sustainable agriculture by reducing nitrogen runoff. The efficient absorption by plants diminishes excess nitrogen leaching into the soil preserves water quality, and mitigates environmental impact. Economic Benefits for Farmers While the initial investment may be slightly higher, Liquid Nano urea pays...


  It's not as hard as people say it is for job for a fresher in Delhi , Mumbai, and other places like them. However, one of the main things that recent college grads and newcomers worry about is how to find a good job in Mumbai and other big cities. So, the first thing new graduates need to be ready to do is put themselves out there, make calls, and look for jobs until they find the right one. Also, the following tips will help: Make changes to your cover letter and resume. Your resume tells the employer about yourself. To every company, you can't send the same application. You should make changes to the resume and cover letter to make sure they are appropriate for the job. You should also go over it again and make sure it's correct. Make use of job boards If you want to find the newest jobs in Gurgaon or jobs in Mumbai for new college graduates and fresh grads, don't just Google "openings." Sign up for a few good job boards and look for jobs in a specific way...

How Organic Fertilising is a Boon to Your Plant Health

  Fertilizers  provide nutrients to plants, essential for several reasons, including healthy microbe development, boosting crop yield, and improving soil fertility. However, compared to years of chemical applications and inorganic farming practices, modern growers have now become more conscious of what they are applying to their plants.  The art and practice of organic fertilizer application has gained immense popularity, and all for the right reasons. Let us delve into some key benefits of organic fertilizers, and why they are considered the secret recipe for abundant plant growth, yield and environmental health. Boost Plant Growth & Promote Healthier Roots One of the main reasons why farmers prefer using organic fertilizers is their ability to promote plant growth naturally and encourage a healthy root system. Roots are an essential channel house for plants. They are responsible not only for holding the plant to the soil but are a route for plants to utilize water,...

Things to Consider When Using Plant Fertilisers

  Plants absorb several micro and macro nutrients available in the soil, air and water to support healthy foliage, feed their internal systems and produce fruit. However, there are instances when these nutrients are not easily absorbed by the plants, and when the soil is deficient in them due to consistent planting and harvesting. It is where fertilisers play an important role in replenishing it with the nutrients that plants need to thrive. However, when it comes to fertilisers, more is not always better. It is important to understand and consider a few things before applying them. Understanding the Soil As mentioned earlier, a good part of the nutrients that plants consume come from the soil. However, there may be instances when the soil is unable to provide the nutrient requirements. Before application, you may want to perform a soil test to identify the exact nutrient and mineral quantity in the soil and its requirements. Pick Your Fertiliser Each plant has different nutrient r...